About us
Normation develops RUDDER, the innovative production-ready automation and conformity solution.
Our goal
Simplify the management of IT infrastructures, that grow more and more present and critical to our needs. test
Customer references

They support us
- PM'up: Normation has won the PM'UP 2014 contest and has been awarded a grant of 250 000€ on 3 years.
- Systematic - innovative companies label: Normation is member of the Free Software theme group of the Systematif competitiveness cluster and has been awarded the "Innovative company" label after evaluation by a jury of experts and investors in the field, that recognized the potential and pertinence of the Rudder technology and Normation's business model.
- Black Duck: Rudder was awarded the Rookie of the Year label by Black Duck, that seeks every year for the most promising open source projects. Rudder shares this label with great names of IT innovation, like Docker, Twitter Bootstrap, OpenStack or Clound Foundry.
- And more to come...

Company creation
2010 - 2012
2013 - now